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How to Tell If You Have Parasites

October 17, 2009

imagesWellness Mama has moved to be able to offer even more great health and wellness information. For the latest health information and natural living ideas, visit my new and improved website.

It is estimated that approximately 95% of the American Population is infected with a parasite of some kind. There are hundreds of different parasites, from tapeworms, to pinworms to many others. Parasites can be amoeba, bacteria, fungi, molds, worms, spores, or ticks. In most cases, people do not even know they have parasites, and after a period of time, some parasites may cause serious problems. Many parasites especially like the refined, processed and high-carbohydrate diet that many Americans eat. A lot of the parasites are found in meat that has not been cooked enough. Baking, roasting and broiling foods kills parasites in most cases, though microwaving usually does not since it does not always get the internal temperature hot enough to kill them.

Here is a list of possible symptoms of Parasite infestation:

  • WATER RETENTION (mostly from tapeworms)

Fortunately, many parasite infections can be eliminated with a variety of cleanses and a regimen of Black Walnut, Wormwood and Common Cloves. The three should be taken together, and can safely remove about 100 different kinds of parasites when used together. It is also important to remove refined sugar and most grains and to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day (double that is preferable).

Dear Baby Breech, Please Turn. Love, Mom

October 16, 2009


Wellness Mama has moved to be able to offer even more great health and wellness information. For the latest health information and natural living ideas, visit my new and improved website. Check out all my new recipes and get some easy and healthy meal plan ideas.

My husband, who I will call Italian Stallion, and I are expecting our third bambino (baby) in December. At my 32 week appointment today, we found out that this little one is still breech and has been for about two weeks now. Since we are planning a natural homebirth, it becomes a high priority to get this little one to rotate, though we still have plenty of time. At the recommendation of my wonderful midwife, I get to try some funny and crazy ideas to turn this baby. Though these suggestions have a high track record of working, they certainly are not easy, fun or attractive looking in the third trimester of pregnancy!

How to get a breach baby to flip:

Some of the techniques it is my “homework” to try for the next two weeks until my next appointment are:

  • Inversion: I stand(sit?) upside down on the stairs with my arms and head about three steps lower than my legs and butt. Sound ridiculous? You have no idea! Supposedly this works wonders for turning a baby and adjusting pelvic ligaments, though it is not a position I would gladly assume, pregnant or not!
  • Pelvic Tilt: Almost as fun as inversion… I put one side of the ironing board on the couch and the other side on the ground, creating an breech-tiltangle. I then position myself with my head on the low end and legs/butt up. I hold this position for 20 minutes, three times a day. I don’t find this one so bad, at least since I found out that the alternative is doing a full handstand for 20 minutes a day. Can Olympic gymnasts even do that?
  • Handstands: This one I get to do in water (because there is nothing quite like putting on a bathing suit in the third trimester and standing on your head repeatedly for an hour at the gym pool). I am supposed to swim and perform handstands in water as much as possible. Oh well, at least I won’t look as crazy as all those people doing arthritis aquatics (who am I kidding, yeah I will!).
  • Elephant Walk: This is perhaps my favorite. As much as possible during the day I get to walk around on my hands and feet, basically creating an acute angle with my bottom straight up in the air. While this is surprisingly good exercise, my 3 year old and 16 month old find this hilarious and, thinking it a game, chase me around trying to tackle me.
  • I will also be trying the Webster Technique tried by a chiropractor and the homeopathic Pulsatilla.

I will update on progress. For anyone else with a breech baby, check out the Spinning Babies website for some good information on turning your bambino.

In the meantime, dear Breech Baby, please turn! Love always, Mom

UPDATE: These techniques did work to turn out baby and he was head down in a week of doing these things. Unfortunately, I had undetected placenta previa and had an emergency c-section. We are now expecting our fourth little miracle and hoping for a v-bac. Read all my birth stories in the whole birth saga here.

Cleaning Naturally with Common Household Products

October 16, 2009

One topic I have become increasingly interested in in recent months is natural cleaning products. Since I switched to natural cleaning, I have found a lot of great recipes, tricks and shortcuts that have not only taken the chemicals out of my daily life, but made our house cleaner, fresher, and faster to clean! Each Friday, I will share a new recipe, tip or homemade product with you. Any special requests? Leave a comment and I will respond in my next post.

The product I use the most in my new natural lifestyle and that you probably natural-cleaningalready have in the house is distilled white vinegar (It is also available organic). I know, I know, you don’t want your house to smell like pickles, but don’t worry, the smell fades when it dries and can be easily masked with a few drops of essential oil. Things I use vinegar for in my own natural cleaning:

  • Stains- with two kids three and under, I have gotten a lot of practice with stains, especially on white clothes, which seem to attract stains like a magnet. The most effective treatment I have found so far is pouring undiluted vinegar onto the stain and washing as normal. This also works great for wine, tomato sauce, or other spills on carpet. Immediately pour vinegar on the area, wait a few minutes, and wipe up with a damp cloth.
  • Window cleaner- Vinegar is by far more effective than Windex or other window cleaners at cleaning windows and mirrors with a spot free shine. I mix 1 part vinegar to three parts water and add a few drops of my favorite essential oil (lemongrass) or a 1/2 tsp or so of my organic dishwashing liquid.
  • Mold Remover- One part borax mixed with four parts white vinegar in a spray bottle does wonders for mold. Just spray it on, wait about an hour, and wipe up. The mold wipes right off.
  • Hardwood floors- Our last house was entirely hardwood floors, and this meant a lot of mopping for me. I found that 1/3 to 2/3 cup of white vinegar in a gallon of warm water cleans hardwoods very quickly and easily.
  • Toilet Cleaning- Pouring a few shakes of baking soda in a drain and then adding a cup or so of vinegar will create a bubbly reaction that, when scrubbed, leaves the toilet shining.
  • Cleaning cabinets- If you have food spots, oil buildup or stains on your cabinets, mix 1 part vinegar with 3 parts water and scrub with a rag or sponge. The vinegar will cut any grease, leaving the cabinets clean and shiny.
  • All Purpose Cleaning- For everything else, I have two bottles of homemade spray cleaner in the kitchen and all bathrooms. One of these is 1 part white vinegar, 4 parts water, 10-20 drops of essential oil (optional), and 1 tsp of organic dish soap. This does wonders on counter tops, high chair trays, baseboards, walls, appliances, floors, and everywhere else things can be dumped, spilled or tracked.

Hope this will get you started on natural cleaning with an inexpensive product you already have in the house. Here’s a few more natural cleaning tips. 

Happy Cleaning!

How to Lose Weight while Preventing the Flu this Season

October 15, 2009

As we enter the season of holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, etc) and the season of flu, two concerns on many people’s minds are flu prevention and weight loss. Luckily, there are some simple suggestions that can help maintain a healthy weight and help bolster the body’s defenses against the flu and other illness this season.

My first and most important recommendation I can make for weight loss and flu prevention,is to immediately switch to a health diet, though the specifics I recommend may be new to some of you. The old adage “you are what you eat,” has never been more true. As the percentage of the population that is medically classified as overweight or obese rises steadily, it is no surprise that rates of cancer, disease, and other medical issues rise as well. For optimal health, I recommend a diet of high quality proteins, abundant sources of beneficial fats, and adequate amounts of organic or locally grown vegetables, if available.

  1. Proteins are necessary for virtually every function the body performs. One of the disadvantages of the low-fat diet that has been promoted my the medical community for so long is the lower intake of protein that often accompanies it. Additionally, a low fat diet is often a high carb diet, as foods like whole grains and starchy vegetables are considered “healthy” low-fat foods. This high carbohydrate diet can contribute to insulin resistance, obesity and eventually diabetes if continued over long periods of time. As proteins are vital for every function of the body, they also perform an important role in immune function and weight maintenance. Antibodies are specialized proteins that help defend the body from illness and bacteria. Proteins are necessary for cell division which is vital in healing and growth, and proteins in the form of hormones and enzymes regulate chemical reactions in the body. The adult body needs one gram of usable protein for each 2.2 pounds of body weight. This means that a 180 pound man would need around 80 grams of protein a day and a 145 pound woman would need about 65 grams a day. I recommend organic grass fed beef, free range chickens, free range eggs, organic raw dairy, and certain forms of protein powder. I will post more on this soon.
  2. Fats-This may sound foreign to you if you have followed a low fat diet fats-oilsin the past, but more and more studies are proving that eating fat does not make you fat. In fact, recent research is showing that adequate fat intake is vital to weight loss. (A good discussion on fats here) Fats provide concentrated energy and are important building blocks in hormones. Fats carry the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Studies show that fats, including the much feared saturated fats, contribute to immune strength, bone strength, and can protect the liver. For optimal immune function, it is important to get adequate fats from healthy sources including olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts/seeds, krill oil and animal sources.
  3. Vegetables– I hopefully won’t have to do much to convince you that vegetables are healthy and important for optimal health and weight loss. The important thing is to get organic or locally grown vegetables whenever possible as organic varieties can often contain up to three times the nutrients of conventional vegetables. For weight loss and immune function, it is important to avoid eating too many starchy vegetables like potatoes and winter squash and to focus on greens (spinach, lettuce, kale, mustard greens, etc), peppers, tomatoes, hot peppers, garlic, onions, celery, and asparagus. I get mine in by drinking veggie smoothies and eating a salad or two green vegetables at every meal.

Another recommendation I make for both weight loss and flu prevention is to test and maintain adequate levels of vitamin D. More and more research is showing the importance of Vitamin D in maintain weight levels, preventing disease and for optimal mental health. The best source of Vitamin D is that which is naturally produced by your body when it is exposed to sunlight in moderation, though this can be difficult in winter months. If you are unable to get 30 minutes of sunlight a day, supplementation may be necessary. If you choose to supplement, opt for Vitamin D3, a more assimilable and healthy version than other forms. Since Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin, it can be dangerous if taken in excess. Consider having your vitamin D levels checked by a doctor before beginning any supplementation, though Vitamin D obtained from sunlight is considered safe. It is important to carefully maintain optimal levels of Vitamin D, as too much or too little can be dangerous. Recent research is also showing that optimizing vitamin D levels can be a major factor in maintaining or reaching a healthy weight.

How to Make my Extremely Healthy but Horrible Tasting Veggie Smoothie

October 14, 2009

green-smoothie-with-mint-garnish Wellness Mama has moved to be able to offer even more great health and wellness information. For the latest health information and natural living ideas, visit my new and improved website.

In order to get my daily requirement of vegetables without spending hours on end chewing salad, I have devised a way to cheat… Veggie Smoothies. I don’t recommend them for anyone new to eating vegetables, as they have been known to make even the most devoted vegan make a face, but the health benefits can’t be ignored. I started drinking these about a year ago, and have actually grown to like them (ok, I lied, but I tolerate them now). I have noticed a huge increase in energy, skin improvement, hair growing faster, and better sleep since starting drinking them. I have also noticed weird looks from friends as I have become infamous for these smoothies. I often carry them to meetings or friends houses and get some strange looks!

The basic smoothie consists of some mixture of:

Tomatoes- Full of lycopene, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Potassium, and antioxidants.

Cucumber- High water content, Vitamin C, silica, caffeic acid, potassium, megnesium

Celery-Vitamins A, B2, B6 and C, Potassium, Folic Acid, Magnesium and Calcium

Garlic- Immune support, anti-cancer, infection fighting

Bell Peppers-Vitamin C, Thiamine, Vitamin B6, Beta Carotene, Folic Acid and a variety of phytochemicals

Onions-Beneficial sulfur containing compounds, Vitamin C, Chromium, manganese, can help lower blood sugar, reduce cancer risk and lower cholesterol

Greens-Combination of spinach, kale, mustard greens, lettuces and green herbs containing a wide variety of nutrients and beneficial compounds

Jalapenos- Capsaicin, Vitamin C and other. Can help relieve headache, congestion, high blood pressure, inflammation, intestinal diseases as well as aid weight loss and strengthen the heart

Kelp-Great source of Iodine and trace minerals

Spirulina- A green-blue algea. Great source of protein, good immune support, and the most nutrient dense whole food.


In the blender, combine:

  • one small tomato
  • 1/4 of a cucumber
  • one bell pepper
  • one jalapeno
  • 1/4 of an onion
  • 1-2 cloves of raw garlic
  • 1-2 stalks of celery
  • 3-4 big handfulls of greens of choice
  • 1 tsp kelp
  • 2 tsp spirulina
  • 2 cups water
  • handful of ice cubes

I make my smoothies in our Vita Mix, so quantities might need to be adjusted if you have a smaller size blender.

Blend ingredients until smooth. Smoothie will be thick. I find the easiest way to drink is like one would do weights at the gym, in sets. I take 5 gulps, chase with water and repeat.

Happy drinking and good luck!